Pink Sheet Process
“A mind once stretched by a new idea never regains its original dimensions."
- Oliver Wendell Holmes

As a thought leader, unpacking what’s in your mind into a form which is tangible can be challenging.
If you can’t capture your ideas on a page, you won’t be able to productise and commercialise your IP.
That’s why you need a process to help you think…
Enter our Pink Sheet Process
This is a tool that helps you deliberately think in a full spectrum way around any idea.
By getting your ideas out of your head and delivering them in a way where you can confidently explain and show your thought process, you’ll be able to get into the pattern of ‘think once, use often’, creating a self-sustaining model that allows your business to grow and scale.
Register below to instantly receive all of the Pink Sheet Process resources – for free! This includes;
A downloadable copy of the pink sheeting book Think
The Getting Started with Pink Sheets quick-start guide
The 101 Pink Sheets examples,
And a Pink Sheet template